Qt Static Library Mac

The following program is a complete program that uses some math functions:
  1. Qt Static Library Mac Download
  2. Qt Static Library Macon Ga
  3. Qt Static Library Machine

As simple as it sounds, most of the time it’s a hassle to add the required libraries to your Qt projects. You have to add the include path, the libraries and if you are aiming to have a cross-platform project, you need to account for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems separately. Well, there are Continue reading 'Adding External Libraries to Qt Projects'. Sep 03, 2013 If your library implementation is not big, first method is good enough. One way to distribute the static library for different user is to copy the header file and the static library to a share folder. Other users will will use Method 2 to copy the library and header files into their project. Qt Libraries as Frameworks By default, Qt is built as a set of frameworks. Frameworks are the macOS preferred way of distributing libraries. The Apple's Framework Programming Guide site has far more information about Frameworks. Creating a static library. When creating a static library you need to specify the staticlib option to CONFIG in the.pro file. In contrast to the shared library example, you don't need to set up anything special for exporting and importing symbols in your.h file, since the library will be built into the application, for example: test.pro. I am new to the shared library stuff, so I have question about how to create/use a shared library, I am using Qt Creator with qt 5.4.2 with Microsoft Visual C 11.0 Compliler. In my project, I will need to create a dll which call functions from an external library (there are.h,.lib,.dll to use from). @Tommy-Tom said in Howto build QT5.10.0 static on MAC./configure -recheck-all -prefix=/QT-static -static -release -nomake examples -nomake tests. After adding -nomake tools compiling works. After make install and moving it to the right position it still cannot activate this kit somehow. Once i start the creator the following appears.

We create a static library so that we could reuse all the custom math functions for other programs. In this example, we will place the function declaration into libmymath.h. Then, we place the functions for circle in mymath1.c and the power functions in mymath2.c.
Note: You can have many C program file with just one header file such as lib.h, lib1.c, lib2.c .. and so on.
Create C Static Library in Xcode
To create static library in Xcode, please fellow the procedure:
On the 'Welcome to Xcode' page, select 'Create a new Xcode project'.

Alternatively, you can use File >> New >> Project..
On the template page, select Framework & Libraries >> C/C++ Library. Click Next.

On the options page, enter the name of static library. In my case, it is mymath. Make sure that the type is set to Static. You may want to check 'Use Automatic Reference Counting' if your library implementation contains pointers.
Library Naming Convention
The naming convention of a library package must be prefix with lib follow by the name of the library and the file must end with .a. Therefore a typical library should be named as libmymath.a. However, you can ignore the prefix and the extension when using Xcode. In this case, the library name mymath is alright.
Click Next. Then select the file location of your project. Click Create.
Once the project is created you will notice that the target is automatically name libmymath.a.
To create the header file, select File >> New >> File..

On the template page, select 'Header File' and click Next.
On the Save As dialog page, enter the name of header file libmymath.h. Make sure the Targets mymath is checked as shown below. Click Create.

The header file for libmymath.h is as follows:

Qt Static Library Mac Download

To create the library implementation file, select File >> New >> File..
On the template page, select C File. Click Next.

On the dialog box, enter the first program as mymath1.c as shown below. Click Create.
The program file for libmymath1.c is as follows:

Qt Static Library Macon Ga

To create the next implementation use the same procedure as above.
The program file for libmymath2.c is as follows:

To compile the library program, select Product >> Build:

Select File >> New >> Project.. On the template page select Applications and Command Line Tool. Click Next.
On the options page enter the program name app1. Make sure that the type is set to C. You may want to check 'Use Automatic Reference Counting' if your library implementation contains pointers. Click Next.

Enter the location of your file and click Create.
Include Library File
This is the most important section in this tutorial. To use the static library you've just created, you need to add the static library to your current project.
Method 1
There are many ways to include static library. The fist method is to add all the files from the library project file. Select File >> Add Files to 'app1'...

Navigate to your static library project folder and select the entire folder of the static library. Your project panel should be similar to the one shown below:

Method 2
The second method is to just copy the product (libmymath.a) and header file (libmymath.h). Open your static library project and your application program. Stack them as shown below.

Then drag the file libmymath.h and libmymath.a to your current application project. Check 'Copy items..' and 'Add to targets'. Click Finish.Library

Your application project should be similar to the screen below:

Qt Static Library Machine

  • Method 2 is much cleaner if your static library is very large. If your library implementation is not big, first method is good enough.
  • One way to distribute the static library for different user is to copy the header file and the static library to a share folder. Other users will will use Method 2 to copy the library and header files into their project.
  • For more complex multiple user scenario, please consult the Xcode user guide.

Create the following application program in main.c:

Running The Application

To run the project, you can click the run button or select Product >> Run. The results should be shown as follow:

Special Note
Please note that the methods are the simplified methods of using static library. Instead of copying files to your projects, you can also change the build settings to reference headers file and library file elsewhere. Please consult the Xcode user guide to explore further options.

Set of tools to build Qt5 static libs on Windows.
There are some binaries available here


  • MSVC 2013-2017 with WDK 8.1/10+ (Community edition works fine)
  • Qt 5.8.0+ sources (Works with previous version with minor edits)
  • Python 2.7 (https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/) (for Qt)
  • Perl (http://strawberryperl.com/) (for OpenSSL)
  • OpenSSL 1.0.x/1.1.x

Make sure Python, Perl are all in the PATH or add them to PATH in options.bat

NTFS case sensitivity needs to be turned OFF in the parent folder before cloning.
You can check with this command:

If you need to disable it:

You can check the official documentation here:


First, we need to check the folder names are correct in tools/options.bat

Open a VS command prompt in the repo's root.
The links for the prompts are 'VS2017_Win32/64'

You will need to run qt.bat from the VS command prompt.

Follow along for how to delete all photos on iPhone.Whether you’re wanting a fresh start all together, or maybe transferring your photos to your Mac or other computer first, it can be helpful to know how to delete all photos from your iPhone.If you want to keep any of your photos, make sure to back them up with a third-party service like Dropbox or Google Photos or your Mac or PC. Photos and videos can add up really quickly on, filling up what may have seemed like a high storage capacity just weeks or months earlier. How to delete your entire photo library on mac download. If you use iCloud to back up your photos, you only have the option to restore all of them.If you’d like to wipe your entire iPhone,.

Run these commands in the following order to build Qt:

  • qt download
  • qt openssl
  • qt setup
  • qt build

Additional Qt modules

Those can be downloaded and installed by the script.
If you want to install extra Qt modules like qtscript or webkit:

Python ble library macon ga. News about the dynamic, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, extensible programming language PythonIf you are about to ask a 'how do I do this in python' question, please try, or the #python IRC channel on FreeNode.Please don't use URL shorteners.

  • Run this command: qt extra [module-name]
  • You need to run it once per module

You obviously have to do that after installing Qt.Modules can be found here: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.12/5.12.1/submodules/


Only release libs are enabled by default.You can add the debug libs or use the official sdk libs for debugging.You can add extra build options for Qt by editing the EXTRABUILDOPTIONS var in options.bat

You can check the official configuration guide here:http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/configure-options.html