Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php_intl Dll Mac

SOLVED PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library Post by TrevorH » Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:48 am There is no 'distributed Centos 6.4 version' of this package. PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic lybrary 'C: PHP ext phpmysql.dll' - The specified module could not be found. Here is the current.ini file located in the WINDOWS folder.

  • Jul 07, 2014  HiTo run phpintl you also have to copy the icu.dll files from the php folder to the wampbinapacheapachex.y.zbin folder With WampServer 2.5, this is.
  • May 16, 2015  Wampserver Missing dll file Cycleoflearning. Unable to load dynamic library c:xamppphpextphpintl.dll - Duration. PHP unable to load php curl dll extension - Duration.
  • Feb 10, 2016  Hi, This can be easily fixed by doing this with the wampmanager menus (left click) wampmanager-Apache-Version - 2.4.9 (Click on the version number).


Cette extension est disponible pour PHP 5.2.0 dans PECL ou nativement pour PHP 5.3. Il y a donc 2 méthodes pour installer cette extension.

It's good, if you need to save space, or if you are planning a backup and want it to go faster, to check from time to time, sorting by size, to see which folders take up the most. Can you delete library caches mac. You may find folders for applications that you no longer user, or, as in this hint, folders that contain much data that you can delete.I don't know why the SoftwareUpdate cache has so much in it; I've never seen that. kirkmc adds: This Caches folder holds lots of stuff that you really don't need. As for the QuickTime cache, you can set the maximum size, or turn of caching entirely, in the QuickTime preference pane on the Browser tab. The Desktop cache contains Desktop pictures, and if you change often, may grow.

Des informations sur l'installation de ces extensions PECL peuvent être trouvées dans le chapitre du manuel intitulé Installationdes extensions PECL. D'autres informations comme les notes sur les nouvelles versions, les téléchargements, les sources des fichiers, les informations concernant les mainteneurs ainsi qu'un CHANGELOG, peuvent être trouvées ici : »

Aussi, --enable-intl activera l'extension de manière embarquée à la compilation.

Si votre bibliothèque ICU est installée dans un dossier non-standard, vous aurez peut-être à spécifier sa localisation via la variable d'environnement LD_LIBRARY_PATH, afin que le compilateur dynamique puisse la trouver :

Autrement, si PHP et ICU sont installés dans leurs dossiers par défaut, alors aucune option particulière ne sont nécessaire pour `configure'.

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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

jonwebb at tecbiz dot eu
5 years ago
On windows servers, open your php.ini (which should be in Program Files/PHP), and simply uncomment the extension.
Restart IIS Webserver - done.
hello at scottgruber dot me
3 years ago
For php7 on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install php7.0-intl
jltupac at hotmail dot com
6 years ago
daniel at danielphenry dot com
4 years ago
To install on windows uncommenting the dll in php.ini is not enough you also need to include several other libraries in your system path (not user path). Found these details here:
ahmedelnaa2010 at gmail dot com
4 years ago
- open your php.ini file c:/xampp/php/php.ini or search how to find it, it's up to your server.
- find for ;extension=php_intl.dll
- remove the comment ;
- restart the apache
- then it's working :)
i used the same when i have problem in any extensions, open php.ini then search for the extension then remove the comment.
7 years ago
On Fedora 18 'pecl install intl' wasn't working after 'yum -y install icu' so I had to run 'yum -y install php-intl' instead
nirbhabbarat at gmail dot com
5 years ago
OS : CentOS 5.10
PHP : 5.5.12
We tried installing via *pecl install intl* , but we were getting below warning in php error logs
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/' - /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/ in Unknown on line 0
Later we tried icu source from
Compile ICU ./configure --prefix=/opt/icu && make && make install
And post which we compiled PHP via source with following configurations:
7 years ago
You need to install the library.
yum install libicu-devel
Will get it working with 'pecl install intl'
1 year ago
For windows I had to uncomment extension=intl in the php.ini

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php_intl Dll Mac Free

9 years ago

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php_intl Dll Mac 10

I'm running on Mac OS X using a MacPorts install. According to this page, my vanilla version of PHP 5.3.5 from MacPorts should include the intl functions by default. As far as I can see from phpinfo(), the MacPorts version did not disable it. However, the functions aren't visible and don't work.
It seems to require an additional:
sudo port install php5-intl
After which everything bursts into life.

Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php_intl.dll

  • Installation/Configuration