Mac 中export Ld_library_path

临时设置ldlibrarypath环境变量的最佳方式是: 在执行你的程序前,先在bash中通过命令行或脚本来设置,这样你的特殊设置对系统的其它程序的运行而言是隔离的,不会影响其他程序对依赖库的查找路径,因为在bash中设置的环境变量只对本次会话有效。.

Mac 中export Ld_library_path Server

Jan 24, 2007  make test出来看的时候发现没有LDLIBRARYPATH变量,太TMD的奇怪了,我执行运行env是可以看到的啊 于是我在makefile里面直接设置 export LDLIBRARYPATH=$(ORACLEHOME)/lib32 编译就没啥问题了 求教下,为啥会这样啊,环境变量不是直接会被传入makefile的么?. Python 临时设置LDLIBRARYPATH LDLIBRARYPATH属于进程中的环境变量,Python代码开始运行后是无法修改的,即使通过os.environ'LDLIBRARYPATH'='path'来设置也不起作用,有个变通的方式是设置os.environ'LDLIBRARYPATH'后,调用os.execv重新启动程序。 前提是python脚本必须是可执行. 环境变量 - 为什么环境变量持久性会破坏PATH var? 环境变量 - LDLIBRARYPATH在哪里?如何设置LDLIBRARYPATH env变量? 环境变量 - 在Kubernetes部署规范中使用环境变量; installer - 无法使用WIX更新“PATH”环境变量; Dockerfile中带有双星号的环境变量. 2017-09-16 如何让linux-gcc找到自定义的头文件; 2013-08-14 linux下gcc编译的时候提示说头文件找不到? 12; 2009-06-24 linux下编写c,include的那些头文件在什么地方 46. Mac os x安装了openblas外部库文件,但其安装路径不是gcc库文件的默认调用路径,希望在不改变该头文件的调用方式#include的情况下能够访问。.

Check your PATH Setting

In the instructions below, $INSTALL_DIR refers to the path to the new install directory, /path/to/dakota/install/directory/Dakota.

Make sure Dakota executables (and optionally test files and current directory) are available on the PATH by typing 'which dakota' at command line prompt. If your PATH variable is set correctly, the path to the dakota binary should be displayed.

If your PATH variable is NOT set correctly, you will get a message like the following:


The following setup will make the dakota command and other helper programs available at the terminal. If you prefer you may refer to the dakota executable using its fully-qualified path. Note, however, that some examples will require modification to work properly if dakota and related helper programs are not on your PATH.

To persist the PATH to Dakota across terminals/sessions, make the following changes to the appropriate shell login script. If you prefer to just test in your current terminal, execute the commands directly in a terminal.

Make Changes in Bash Shell

  1. Edit your Bash startup file in your favorite text editor. For Linux, this is ~/.bashrc. OS X terminal runs a login shell, and so the start up file may be ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, or ~/.profile. See the manpage for Bash for more information about the differences between login and non-login shells.
  2. Modify and export PATH, PYTHONPATH, and (if using a Dakota release prior to 6.8) (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables. Type the following line, replacing $INSTALL_DIR with the absolute path to your installation directory, e.g. $HOME. You need not add the gui path if you are not using the Dakota GUI, or PYTHONPATH if you do not plan to use the dakota.interfacing Python module.

    On Linux:Mac os show library in finder.

    On OS X:

  3. Save and close file.
  4. Update changes in your shell window.

Make Changes in C shell

Mac 中export Ld_library_path Software

  1. Edit the startup file ~/.cshrc in your favorite text editor.
  2. Modify and export PATH, PYTHONPATH, and (if using a Dakota release prior to 6.8) (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables. Type the following line, replacing $INSTALL_DIR with the absolute path to your installation directory, e.g. $HOME. You need not add the gui path if you are not using the Dakota GUI, or PYTHONPATH if you do not plan to use the dakota.interfacing Python module.

    On Linux:

    On OS X:

  3. Save and close file.
  4. Update changes in your shell window.