Mac Acces Library Preferences

Numerous program settings are stored in the Adobe Photoshop Preferences file, including general display options, file-saving options, performance options, cursor options, transparency options, type options, and options for plug‑ins and scratch disks. Most of these options are set in the Preferences dialog box. Preference settings are saved each time you quit the application.

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  2. Mac Access Library Preferences Mac
  3. Mac Preferences Profiles
Mac access library preferences mac

Numerous program settings are stored in the Adobe Photoshop Preferences file, including general display options, file-saving options, performance options, cursor options, transparency options, type options, and options for plug‑ins and scratch disks. Most of these options are set in the. If the Windows Registry is a place where system and application settings are stored, then the Mac equivalent of the Windows Registry would be a series of.plist. The System Preferences application (basically, the settings on your Mac) is found in your Applications folder. It is also available from the Apple menu at the top-left of the screen (click the. Mac: Macintosh HD Applications Native Access. Click on the user icon to access the Native Access Preferences. Before installing your products. The serial number of your NI hardware product or your KOMPLETE hard drive as well as any third-party KONTAKT / REAKTOR library. This is required in order to activate the software products.

May 13, 2010  This setting makes Mac System Preferences way easier to use. How To Access Hidden Firefox Preferences MacRx By Adam Rosen. 9:00 am. /Library/Application Support/Firefox. the Finder Sidebar preferences for those using Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or later. These instructions are a subset of the comprehensive Finder troubleshooting information in our book Troubleshooting Mac® OS X. Delete Finder preferences using Finder. Open a Finder window and navigate to Home Library Preferences folder.

Unexpected behavior may indicate damaged preferences. If you suspect damage to preferences, restore preferences to their default settings.

To re-create the preferences files for Photoshop, start the application while holding down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS). Then, click Yes to the message, 'Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?'

Note: If this process doesn't work for you while you're using a wireless (Bluetooth) keyboard, attach a wired keyboard and retry.

Important: If you re-create the preferences by deleting the Adobe Photoshop Settings file, make sure that you only delete that file. If you delete the entire settings folder, you also delete any unsaved actions or presets.

Reinstalling Photoshop does not remove the preferences file. Before reinstalling Photoshop, re-create your preferences.

Mac access library preferences mac

Important: Apple made the user library folder hidden by default with the release of Mac OS X 10.7. If you require access to files in the hidden library folder to perform Adobe-related troubleshooting, see How to access hidden user library files.

Photoshop preference Filename Path
General settingsAdobe Photoshop [version] Prefs.pspUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
ActionsActions palette.pspUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Camera Raw PreferencesAdobe Camera Raw [version] PrefsUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences
Color settings (Color management)Color Settings.csfUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Custom Color settings (Color management)Userdefined.csfUsers/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Settings
Custom proof setups (Color management)Userdefined.psfUsers/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Proofing
Editing and painting toolsBrushes.psp, Contours.psp, Custom Shapes.psp, Gradients.psp, Patterns.psp, RepoussePresets.psp, Styles.psp, Swatches.psp, ToolPresets.pspUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/
PathsAdobe Photoshop [version] PathsUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences
Save for Web

Adobe Save For Web CS6 Prefs

Adobe Save for Web [version] Prefs

Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Save for Web CS6/
Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences
Filters and EffectsAdobe Adaptive Wide Angle [version], Adobe Dicom [version], Adobe Filter Gallery [version] Prefs, Adobe Lens Blur [version] Prefs, Adobe Lens Correction [version] Prefs, Adobe Liquify [version] Prefs, Adobe VanishingPoint [version],Adobe Oil Paint [version]
Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe/Plugins/[effect or filter name]/
Lens Profiles (Created with the Lens Profile software)Userdefined.lcsUsers/[user name]/Library/Preferences/

[User Defined]

Workspaces that have been modified

Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/WorkSpaces

Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/
Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/WorkSpaces (Modified)

Third-party plug-in settings (for example, location of the plug-ins folder)(varies)Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences folder
Saved presets[User defined]Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Presets/[feature name]

Website Preferences Mac

Mac Access Library Preferences Mac

Photoshop PreferenceFilenamePath
General settings

Adobe Photoshop [version] Prefs.psp (32-bit version)

Adobe Photoshop X64 [version] Prefs.psp (64-bit version)

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
ActionsActions palette.pspUsers/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Camera Raw

Windows registry key Itunes library file cannot be found mac os.

.xmp files saved from Camera Raw dialog box

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Camera Raw/[version]

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/CameraRaw/Settings

Color settings (Color management)Color Settings.csfUsers/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Custom Color settings (Color management)Userdefined.csfUsers/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/
Custom proof setups (Color management)Userdefined.psfUsers/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/
Editing and painting toolsBrushes.psp, Contours.psp, Custom Shapes.psp, Gradients.psp, Patterns.psp, Styles.psp, Swatches.psp, ToolPresets.pspUsers/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/Presets
PathsPreferences are saved as value data in the SettingsFilePath value name in the Windows registry.

(Windows registry key) HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Photoshop/[version]

Settings FilePath value:

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings

Save for Web

Adobe Save for Web 13.0 Prefs

Save for Web file

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Plugins/
Adobe Save For Web [version]/Photoshop

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Optimized Settings/filename.irs

Filters and EffectsAdobe Effect [version] Prefs, Adobe Filter Gallery [version] Prefs, Adobe Lens Blur [version] Prefs, Adobe Lens Correction [version] Prefs, Adobe Liquify [version] Prefs, Adobe Mondo Filter [version], Adobe Oil Paint [version]
Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Plugins/
[effect or filter name]/Photoshop
Lens Profiles (Created with the Lens Profile software)


Adaptive lens profile files: .wac

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Optimize Settings


[User Defined]

Workspaces that have been modified

Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/Workspaces
Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/Workspaces (Modified)
Third-party plug-in settings (for example, location of the plug-ins folder)Settings are stored as value data in the SettingsFilePath value name in the Windows registry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Photoshop/[version]
Saved Presets[User defined]Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Presets/[feature name]
Photoshop PreferenceFilenamePath
General settingsAdobe Photoshop [version] Prefs.pspDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
ActionsActions palette.pspDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Camera Raw

Windows registry key

.xmp files saved from Camera Raw dialog

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Camera Raw/[version]

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings

Color settings (Color management)Color Settings.csfDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Custom Color settings (Color management)Userdefined.csfDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Color/Settings
Custom proof setups (Color management)Userdefined.psfDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Color/Proofing
Editing and painting toolsBrushes.psp, Contours.psp, Custom Shapes.psp, Gradients.psp, Patterns.psp, Styles.psp, Swatches.psp, ToolPresets.pspDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Presets
PathsPreferences are saved as value data in the SettingsFilePath value name in the Windows registry.


Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings

Save for WebAdobe Save for Web [version] PrefsDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Save For Web [version]/Photoshop
Filters and EffectsAdobe Effect [version] Prefs, Adobe Filter Gallery [version] Prefs,
Adobe Lens Correction [version] Prefs,
Adobe Liquify [version] Prefs,
Adobe Adaptive Wide Angle

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Plugins/[effect or filter name]/Photoshop

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Lens Correction [version]/Photoshop

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Liquify [version]/Photoshop

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Adaptive Wide Angle [version]

Lens Profiles (Created with the Lens Profile software)Userdefined.lcsDocuments and Settings/[user name]Application Data/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Lens Correction [version]/Photoshop

[User Defined]

Workspaces that have modified

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/Workspaces

Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings/Workspaces (Modified)

Third-party plug-in settings (for example, location of the plug-ins folder)Settings are stored as value data in the SettingsFilePath value name in the Windows registry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/Photoshop/[version]
Saved presetsSaved presetsDocuments and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Presets/[feature name]

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Mac Preferences Profiles

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